Telehealth — Modern Dermatology of Connecticut Top

MODERN DERMATOLOGY | 1032 Post Road East, Westport, CT 06880 | Phone (203) 635-0770 | Fax (203) 635-0771


We are pleased to offer Telehealth virtual appointments for medical concerns and cosmetic consultations. To schedule a Telehealth visit please call us at (203) 635-0770 or email us at

IMPORTANT! Prior to all Telehealth appointments you will need to do the following:

  • If you haven’t done so already you will need to complete new patient paperwork and patient portal registration ahead of your appointment. You will receive an email from that contains a link to verify your email and create an account on Sadio, the patient portal. Instructions for setting up your portal can be found here. Please check your Spam filters if you do not see this email. Required consent forms for your appointment will be found under your upcoming appointments and then you can sign electronically. If you cannot access your portal or don't have access to sign electronically, you can find the consent forms here and then email completed forms to

  • Complete and return Telehealth consent form (Medical or Cosmetic) and email to 

Medical Telehealth Visits

  • Please contact the office to schedule

  • For rashes and suspicious lesions please email photos ahead of your scheduled virtual appointment to, which is HIPAA compliant. Please do not send them to us via Social Media.

  • We will bill your insurance for the visit, if it is not covered the cost to you is $100

Virtual Cosmetic Consultations

  • If you’ve been curious about our cosmetic or body sculpting treatments, or just want to create a new skincare routine, you can now book a virtual consultation with one of our board certified dermatologists. 

  • Cost is $100+ tax, which can be credited toward your cosmetic or body sculpting treatment plan if you book within 90 days of your consult. The fee cannot be applied toward the purchase of skincare products, aesthetician services or medical care.