Stoner Skincare?
By: Dr. Deanne Mraz, MD, FAAD
Cannabis is quickly becoming one of the most transformative ingredients in skincare, and at Modern Dermatology we’re happy to offer an assortment of the products here in the office, and on our website e-shop. We realize some of you might still have some suspicions about the topic, so we asked Dr. Mraz to explain the therapeutic properties to help CBD skincare shed its stoner image.
First things, first, when we talk about Cannabis and Skincare in the same sentence, what we’re talking about is cannabidiol (CBD), which is a natural, non-psychoactive compound found in the flowers, leaves and stalks of the Cannabis sativaplant. To be clear from the start, CBD has no psychotropic effects, it’s THC that is responsible for that.
CBD has a long history as a therapeutic botanical. It has been used to treat pain, injuries and soothe skin. Here at Modern Dermatology we did a lot of research on the topic, and the brands that seem to be popping up daily touting their CBD solutions. Ultimately, we selected some really versatile and effective products from the company CBD For Life. Here at the office you can shop an assortment of these products that do everything from soothing inflammatory skin conditions to preventing migraines, while promoting overall wellbeing.
For my patients with inflammatory skin conditions like acne and rosacea, I sometimes will recommend integrating a CBD skincare product into their routine. I’ve seen it to be highly effective in reducing inflammation and there is even ongoing research probing whether it can regulate skin hydration and oil production by sebaceous glands. Treating both inflammation and oil production kind of nails the two biggest culprits in cases of active acne. Additionally, CBD packs vitamins A, D, and E, and essential fatty acids, which all promote healthy skin.
Beyond fighting inflammation topically, CBD skincare products boast analgesic (pain-killing) properties. Think “Tiger Balm” without the bad stuff. Furthermore, there are neurological benefits. I personally suffer from migraines and have found the Pure CBD Roll-on-Oil with Lavender super helpful! The CBD For Life 100% Vegan Lavender Roll-on oil combines CBD and Lavender Essential Oils to regulate serotonin levels, which help minimize pain in the nervous system that can lead to migraines. I roll it over my forehead, temples, and neck for relief when I feel a migraine coming on. Bonus use, it has also been shown to reduce pain and discomfort from menstrual cramps when applied topically to the abdomen.